Beachcombing near Kidwelly

Winter storms can often bring the more interesting things on to the shores of the UK. All manner of weird and wonderful things get washed up, from swordfish, palm seeds from the Caribbean and ambergris or whale vomit! So when you go beach combing you really never know […]

Sword skills with Academy of Steel

Academy of Steel run a sword skills school based in Cardiff and Bristol. Based on 14th century Italian skills, Jordan and Melissa who run the school have had years of experience and now want to share their knowledge and passion. Lessons are available from tasters to ongoing training so we decided to go and have a go.

Knife Throwing in Bath & Bristol

Most people, including myself a few years ago, imagined a man throwing knives around a woman on a target in some sort of nail biting scenario, as seen on TV over the years. Although this does actually happen around the world, and in some cases women are the expert throwers doing the throwing, there is also another knife throwing community that’s growing fast. Target knife throwing!

Glice Skating

If I’m totally honest my ice skating isn’t great but I do enjoy it when I go, especially now I have kids. When I was told that Glice® skating having their first rink setup at the Avon Valley Adventure and Wildlife Park in Bristol I had to go […]